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  • Writer's pictureElsie Abena Addo

A Call to Consecration

Updated: Sep 24, 2018

In moments like these, I sit quietly and reflect on the unsurpassable grace freely given to us through Our Lord Jesus Christ. In demonstrating His unwavering love for humanity, He paid a price far beyond the ability of common men and animals. We were once alienated from God the Father, yet, through His sacrifice on Calvary's cross, we too have attained the at most honor of being called the sons and daughters of the Most High God. In spite of the many deceitful pronouncements made by our adversary, the devil, you are chosen by God. You were intently crafted for the Master's use and for His phenomenal glory. You and I were created to be set apart unto holiness and righteousness, and to be consecrated to our Lord Jesus Christ forever.

Consecration by definition, is the solemn dedication to a special purpose or service. Traditionally, we have been programmed to ally the call to consecration to those specifically ordained as ministers of the Gospel -- Pastors, Evangelists and leaders of the church. Yet, consecration is a call to action for every believer to respond to. It's a period of separation from the world and closeness to the Father; a time to seek His face and to learn of the amazing plans He has for you. In a world full of distractions and persistent feeding to the flesh, we all need uninterrupted time before the Lord to hear His still, small voice. Are you anxious or fearful always? Doubting your entire existence, bitter and conniving at every chance you get? I charge you in accordance to Romans 12 verse 1 which says, "that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service". Consecration is a form of re-dedication by offering up our lives unto God, filthy and all. It's a period of growing in the faith, building our dependence on God and being transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. I so love that our Father glories in taking on our "messes", as testimonies of radical change cannot help but purposefully birth forth.

I was personally led into a period of consecration in the month of July -- which lasted two months. I desired to be the light Christ created me to be, but the subtle darkness I failed to deal with from my past and the current darkness I was entertaining, forced my light to dim progressively. By the Lord's mercy, I was determined to cut myself off from any and everything that hindered my focus on Christ. Usually, consecration requires quitting the things you love cold turkey. Anything that takes your mind, heart and focus off Christ is a hindrance, and will limit you spiritually. This may include a significant other (regarding those unmarried), a job, food, television, sports, social media (including YouTube), magazines, and more. Not at all condemning any of these things, but sit quietly for a second and examine the content of your heart. What are you full of today? Is it hours of dialogue with a significant other, yet not even ten minutes with your Heavenly Father who is jealous for you? Our day, as growing believers, should incorporate a more consistent blend of silent mediation, reading and studying of scripture (2 Timothy 2:15), prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) and worship, alongside our day-to-day human responsibilities. Although imperfect creatures, we are to be made perfect each day by the Holy Spirit through constant surrendering and obedience. There is no perfect Christian in my book (Romans 3:23-24), however, God desires commitment in our sturdy journey to perfection.

An attribute of consecration I would like to quickly highlight is humility. I can attest to having a prideful heart every now and then, but it truly only obstructs us from receiving in full all that God is (Proverbs 3:34). It's impossible to receive with a closed and hardened heart. Why should you fast and further consecrate yourself if you find no sin in yourself? You don't see why you should give your entire heart and life to God? The spirit of pride is at work in the hearts of many and I rebuke it in the name of Jesus Christ. Now to answer the question of whether or not one has to be "led" to embark on a period of consecration. In Matthew 4 verse 1, we see that the Lord Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. During His time in the wilderness, prior to the temptation brought on by the devil, He fasted for forty days and forty nights. From this verse alone, we can see that fasting is something we are led to do by the Spirit; simply because He is the force and fuel we'll need to power us through. To me, the feeling of "being led" is simply an invitation or a call to action. It means God has already made provision for you to succeed during and after your period of fasting; you only need to obey. Through this blog, God is specifically inviting you to adhere to His call. Also at times, the chaotic and misaligned state of our lives invites us into a time of consecration with the Father. It's God's way of telling us to halt, and to rather focus on HIM.

Lastly, let's take our spirits and hearts to James 4 verse 8 which says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded." Consecration allows us to not only draw near to God, but to recognize our sinful ways, repent and then walk far away from them. Until we remove the idols we are so deeply devoted to, both physically and spiritually, we can never hear or experience the true power of God. See your time of consecration as your preparatory stage; one that every believer must go through before true service and devotion to God begins. Christ was driven into the wilderness as we noted earlier in Matthew 4, to be fully prepared for the three years of service and ministry ahead. You too have a specific assignment only you have been mandated to fulfill here on earth. Therefore, I encourage you to become intentional about your relationship with your Father, so as to receive specific instructions for your own spiritual success. He loves you and longs to have you near.

Self-reflection Questions:

1. Are there devoted things in my life? (I.e an unfruitful career, a worldly relationship/courtship etc.)

2. Where do I stand in my relationship with God? (Be honest, but do not beat yourself down)

3. Am I truly giving God my all? (Base on scripture - i.e Romans 12:1)

4. Would you like to start over? This time with God? (II Corinthians 5:17)

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