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  • Writer's pictureElsie Abena Addo

Modesty: General Tips

Updated: Nov 20, 2018

In an age where the pressure to dress more provocatively for attention and acceptance increases by the day, the time to stand in one's God-given identity is now. We've been taught through social platforms that the tighter and shorter an outfit is, the better. Yet, the bible teaches the opposite. Do you dress the way you do because of insecurity reasons, or for the attention of men? I want you to know that you are so worthy and precious to God, the attention of a man can never match up. We are first children of God by faith, and must glorify Him in every aspect of our lives; even in our appearance. I'm all for fabulous dresses and looking good, but we must keep in mind that our choice of dressing cannot be governed by people of the world. When seeking fashion advice or following the latest trends, ask yourself, are those I'm learning from believers of Jesus Christ themselves? If they are not, and most importantly, are not bearing fruits of the faith they profess, my best advice is to look elsewhere (Romans 12:2).

Secondly, we must keep in mind the love God desires we have for one another; both men and women. Scripture warns us in Mark 9:42, to not become stumbling blocks to others in the faith. Believe it or not, our choice of fashion can cause those around us to stumble. Our dressing can easily spark up feelings of lust in a fellow believer, which can eventually lead to sexual sin (such as masturbation and fornication). And why should you care you may ask? Because we are to love our neighbors as ourselves, and must do our best to not be the reason anyone ends up in hell (Mark 12:30-31). Together, let's simply agree to do our part by dressing more appropriately, and I believe God will handle the rest! In this post, I will be sharing general tips on dressing modestly based on personal experiences and knowledge I have gathered along the way. Well, I hope these help loves!


1. Allow the Holy Spirit to be your personal shopper, shopping companion and fashion adviser

- The Holy Spirit was sent by Christ to be a Helper unto every believer, including you (John 14:26). At times, due to our unruly flesh, we tend to make impulsive decisions. Inviting the Holy Spirit on our shopping trips will help us select clothing that please God, because He knows the mind of God (1 Corin. 2). And yes, He does speak back! I also personally believe the Holy Spirit has great taste as He will still help us dress fashionably, but with dignity.

2. Know where you are dressing to

- Just as we know to dress more formally to an interview, than on a trip to the mall, knowing our audience is very important. However, do keep in mind we are children of God wherever we go. Whether your destination is to church, the movies, a restaurant or a friendly social gathering, your commitment to Christ must be evident through your dressing. Simply, the authenticity of our Christianity is significantly based on how we choose to live after Sunday morning service.

3. Dress for your body type

- God made us different, with varying body types and sizes. What a person who is 5'5 121 lbs can wear, a 5'2 250 lbs individual most likely can't. I'm in no way body shaming anyone, but that's the reality of modesty. It's important we make a conscious effort in selecting clothing that'll present a more positive image of ourselves. Dressing for your body type will help you avoid clothing that is too tight, too loose, too short or too long; whatever you wear must feel like it was tailor-made just for you.

4. Plan out your clothes ahead of time

- Planning out what you will wear ahead of time will help you avoid making hasty fashion decisions. I am sure we have all at some point, rushed and worn out something we later felt so uncomfortable in. Allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our choices the night or hours prior, will leave us feeling very confident in whatever we choose to wear out later.

5. Seek a second and third opinion

- Our first opinion is the Holy Spirit of course, but sometimes we choose to shut Him out. This is where godly counsel from friends and family come into play. You may also choose to invest in a full length mirror, which will allow you to fully access your outfit before stepping out.

I hope you all enjoyed these very short, yet helpful tips to guide your next outing. Again, these are not meant to be some "man-made laws or rules", but to only serve as guidelines to achieving a more modest look. I pray God continues to lead us to honor Him in every way!

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