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  • Writer's pictureElsie Abena Addo

My Period of Consecration

Updated: Nov 20, 2018

"This is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies. They will turn their backs and run from their enemies, because they have been set apart for destruction. I will no longer be with you unless you remove from among you whatever is devoted to destruction. "Go, consecrate the people. Tell them, 'Consecrate yourselves in preparation for tomorrow; for this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: There are devoted things among you, Israel. You cannot stand against your enemies until you remove them." - Joshua 7:12-13

Ever found yourself distracted? Distracted in the faith and in your commitment to God? Your journey with Christ began with much zeal and anticipation, to be used as a vessel for the propagation of the kingdom of God here on earth. Fulfilling your Christian obligations were seen as more of an honor, than they were a duty. Yet suddenly, or better yet gradually, there was a spiritual and physical shift. Your heart began to stray far away from the gospel of truth, as you seeped quietly back into our old ways. Ever seen a dog foolishly wander again to its vomit? Sadly, that is the repeated action many of us willingly take. In the month of May, I wandered into a dark place; a place of conformity to the world, indiscipline and ungodliness. I sowed to please my flesh as I struggled inwardly with many things which seemed out of my control. From dealing heavily with the spirit of lust, vanity, worldliness to pride; I was in deep over my head. I also had no desire to overcome because my soul was in bondage. Even when thoughts of returning to my first love (God) subtly creeped in, I was snatched back into the walls of confinement.

On Sunday July 22nd, still quietly wrestling with sin, my sister suggested we embark on a fast -- more specifically the Daniel fast. We had engaged in the Daniel fast in the past, which after months of commitment, were shrewdly diverted by the enemy. To simply put it, we fell flat on our faces after months of consistent progress. Nonetheless, on that faithful Sunday evening, there was a war taking place within me. Truthfully, I had no desire to embark on a fast because I was enjoying living in sin a little too much to let go. I was slowly dying (Romans 6:23). That night as I swept the kitchen floor, the Lord softened my heart and led me to simply agree. It's quite humbling the grace of God that faithfully covers us even when we choose to wander far away from it. How can a Holy God, One who detests and knows no sin, intently yearn to come so close to a deep rooted sinner like myself? Yet, all God desired that night was a shaky, slightly resistant but loud YES. That night before bed, I decided in my heart that if I wanted to truly receive from God and be liberated, I had to remove any and every obstacle that would dare hinder me in the process -- beginning with social media.

That Monday morning, my sister and I were spiritually focused; it was as if God had done a new work in the both of us as we slept. We joined together in prayer, reading of the word and put maximum effort into changing our entire diet. We had no idea how long we were to be obedient for; all we had was a hunger to please God again. On the 24th, the Lord added on to us by leading a few of our Millennial Christians brethren to join in on the fast. Within a few days, our fast shifted to consecration. Although similar methods of connecting to our Father, I regard consecration as a more sacred, intentional and a true "decreasing of self" vow to God. Each night we gathered at midnight to pray. I personally witnessed an immediate change taking place in my heart. My mood and attitude towards others changed, the seeds of bitterness, comparison and jealousy the enemy planted in my heart were slowly being purged by the Holy Spirit, and I had no fear of my future. This all happened within the first week of fully giving my life to Jesus Christ again. What difference a week of consistency makes! However, by the third week, the challenges and attacks soon began to flood in. The devil, knowing what the Lord was doing and going to do, began to feed into my spirit doubt. I began to doubt God heavily -- His being, power, presence, and His ability to use me were all in question. I felt worthless, unloved and unworthy. Crazy, I know. The enemy wanted to snatch me back into confinement, BUT, because of the true LORD over my life, His manipulations failed time and time again. The Lord used my sister mightily to encourage me and to keep my eyes on Him. Now decluttered, I began to see each day as an opportunity to trust in God and to please Him alone. What true freedom!

The subsequent weeks were amazing! The Lord graced me to execute goals I was terrified to pursue before the fast even began, and then some. Fresh ideas poured in, my focus shifted and the desire to fulfill my God-given mandate expanded. As we persevered in prayer, God also revealed so many things to us through dreams, prophecy and in His Word. It's October now and I have never felt better. The things that kept me bounded before now have no power over me. As it says in Psalm 27 verse 1, "The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?"; I have no fear of my future because my heart fully trusts in the Lord. I say all this to say, fully assess your life! Refuse to stay in bondage longer than you have to because you have a Redeemer in Jesus Christ. The same God that sets me free time and time again, is more than willing to do the same for you. I thereby speak over your soul God's peace, His comfort, deliverance and preservation. Although seemingly impossible to let go on July 22nd, boy am I glad the Lord helped me obey. It took a lot of discipline but it truly was, and still is, so worth it!

Check out next post --> A Call to Consecration
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