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  • Writer's pictureElsie Abena Addo

Where do I walk?

Updated: Nov 20, 2018

Hello loves,

I pray you're all in good spirits this day. Remember that you are a child of the Living God, the God whom absolutely nothing is too big for. If you find yourself worried and troubled in your spirit this day, remember what the word of God says in Matthew 11:28, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest". Maybe your attention has briefly shifted from your heavenly assignment, if so, then I encourage you to make it a point to spend time before God today, for He delights in your well-being.

In today's blog post, we will be discussing Psalm chapter 1:1. I pray this chapter blesses you as it did me.

I."Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,"

When I first read verse 1, I asked myself this question; what does it mean to be considered blessed in the sight of God? I quickly learned that a blessed individual is someone who has been made holy or consecrated (in reference to this particular chapter). This kind of person knows that they are unlike everyone else around them. They know this and embody it in their speech, conduct and actions. He or she believes they must be set apart in holiness unto the Name of God. Now let's look at what this kind of person is NOT.

A. "Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked"

The wicked: one who blatantly disregards the truth, righteousness and the unchanging WORD of God. They see sin, enjoy it and choose to dwell in it.

A blessed person, one who is made holy and consecrated for God's use, is one who is cautious in the direction and steps they take. They make good judgment and use discretion with every move they make. These people are therefore LED by the Spirit of God. Now, how many of us are entertaining wicked people in our own lives, and are thereby being influenced by their actions? Also as believers, we must have a firm reason to back up our decision of following Jesus. Without complete understanding of your end goal in Christ, you face the risk of being misdirected. As many of us attend university because of a particular career we're delighted in obtaining someday, we persist even in times of difficulty. This same understanding must be applied in our Christian faith.

B. "Blessed is the one who does not stand in the way that sinners take"

Immediately, I looked at the word "stand". Someone who stands in the way of others is either confused, lost or debating on the journey ahead of them. Some of us, at some point or another, have found ourselves conflicted. We say we want to do better for God but can't seem to overcome the sins we enjoy the most. The sin of fornication, lying, gossiping and whatever else, simply seems too sweet to let go of. But again I ask you this, what is your reason for following Jesus? That should be motivation enough. Understand with certainty that the voice which says to you,"this Christianity thing is too difficult" is of the enemy. These manipulative thoughts are only meant to deter you and I from walking in our divine purpose in Christ. So anytime he speaks, honey, begin to reject it and confess the WORD of God over your life.

C. "Blessed is the one who does not sit in the company of mockers"

To mock: to ridicule by mimicry of action or speech

A mocker of Christ is one who confesses with their lips that they belong to Him, but their actions speak otherwise. This could mean with their lips they profess Christianity, but their hearts, minds and souls are into the things of the devil. These actions could include lying, cheating, gossiping, fornicating, stealing or being one who enjoys conflict, among many others. To clarify, although we're all sinners and imperfect beings, Christ's desire is for us to learn to lean on Him, in order to be transformed and made into His sinless image. Now moving forward, a blessed individual cannot even stand being around such hypocrisy. If our friends are comfortable living in sin around us, then that's a given that we must check our Christianity. Think about it this way, every time we come before God sincerely, we can't help but be rebuked and convicted for our ungodliness because HE IS SO HOLY. In the same way, if the Holy Spirit dwells in you and HE is the Spirit of God, as you live upright in Him, you must begin to detest sin. Those around you therefore, become cautious of you because the Spirit of God, who radiates out of you, convicts them of their own wrongdoings.

Glory to God for revelation and for the desire to live as BLESSED children of the Kingdom. This concludes this post of Psalm chapter 1 verse 1. God richly bless you!

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